Sport Schedules Summer (2)

When Are the Games Happening?

The Games will run from Wednesday, July 17 through to Sunday, July 21.

There will be set-up happening at a number of venues, accommodations sites, meal preparation sites and the opening ceremony site prior to July 17 in preparation for the arrival of athletes.

On Wednesday, July 17, the athletes will arrive from around BC and flow through the registration centre at the Cam Neely Arena at Planet ice. From that site, busses will take teams to their accommodation sites.

On Thursday, Friday and Saturday, July 18 to 20, there will be practices and competitions culminating on Sunday, July 21. Athletes will head home on Sunday and there will be a volunteer appreciation event on Sunday evening at the Albion Fairgrounds.

What Do You Want to Do?

There are many specific job roles available at the Summer Games. There is literally 24 hour a day activity from the time the athletes arrive on Wednesday until they depart on Sunday. Overnight supervision happens at the accommodation sites, and we have our Access Control team, the security folks, on duty overnight at the outdoor venues. Food prep teams are up early in the morning getting breakfast ready for the athletes and coaches.

All of us are ambassadors for our City and the BC Games as we work together to deliver a first-rate Games experience for all the participants. We’re calling all our volunteers ‘Team Maple Ridge’ reflecting that we are all in this together.

Here are some examples of volunteer roles that the Games Society will fill:

Access Control (Security)

  • Mobile Patrol*
  • Security Operations*
  • Special Events
  • Sport Venues


  • Accommodation Hospitality*
  • Dorm Management*
  • Holding Area*
  • Housekeeping*
  • Site Preparation


  • Information Centre

Ceremonies & Special Events

  • Ceremonies
  • Marshalling
  • Participant Special Events
  • Properties

Food Services

  • Equipment and Stores
  • Food Venue
  • Off-Site Meals
  • Special Meals

Friends of the Games

  • Directorate Liaison
  • Recognition
  • Recruitment


  • Environment
  • Properties Management
  • Warehouse

Medical Services

  • Medical Clinic
  • Physiotherapy
  • Venue Medical


  • Creative Services
  • Digital Media
  • Merchandise
  • Photography
  • Public Relations

Participant & Volunteer Services

  • Accreditation *
  • Results Centre *
  • Volunteer Appreciation
  • Volunteer Registration *


  • Guest Registration *
  • Hosts
  • Medals
  • Receptions


  • Competitions
  • Equipment
  • Venue Management
  • Sport-Specific Volunteer


  • Installation/Servicing
  • Equipment Procurement
  • Systems Support


  • Buses
  • Luggage/Lost and Found
  • Shuttle System
  • Traffic Control

*Note that positions within the areas above marked with an asterisk (*) may require a criminal records check. If this is the case, you will be contacted to have your Criminal Records Review completed. Note that other volunteer positions may also require a criminal records check.

Please register for the Games here -

What happens after you sign up?

Every volunteer needs to sign up online

Once registered your information is sent to the Volunteer Management Chair for the area that you selected. Like you, they are volunteers, and they are working through the lists to make contact by email or on the phone to determine your availability and interest in filling certain roles.

We appreciate your patience as we work through these lists and make that initial contact. The Games will run from Wednesday, July 17 through to Sunday, July 21. If you can look at your calendar and determine what times you are available, that will help the Volunteer Management Chair when they develop their schedules later in June and the beginning of July.

Once the Games get underway there are a variety of volunteer shifts driven by the competition schedules, special events and some of the ongoing activities such as security, transportation, and food prep, that will have overnight or early shifts. The Volunteer Management Chairs will work with volunteers to fill these shifts. As details will be firmed up in the next couple of weeks you can expect to get more information on your Games volunteer schedules.

BC Games Society - 200 - 990 Fort Street, Victoria, BC V8V 3K2