Participant Expectations
Attending the Maple Ridge 2024 BC Summer Games?
Here are some of the most important things you need to know about taking part in the BC Games:
Conditions of Entry
As a condition of entry into, or volunteering at, the BC Games, it must be understood that the participants and volunteers enter entirely at their own risk. The waiver will be available via the BC GAMES PARTICIPANT WEBSITE.
Conduct at the Games
Participants (athletes, coaches, and officials) in the Maple Ridge 2024 BC Summer Games are bound by the BC Games Society Code of Conduct, the rules, regulations, and policies. By participating in the Games, participants are agreeing to abide by these conditions. This includes, but is not limited to, following the BC Games General Rules, their sport’s technical package, the BC Games Society Code of Conduct, and the principles of the Culture of the Games.
Exemplary conduct is expected of all Games participants. This is expected from the time Games participants board BC Games transportation (or arrive at the Games by their own transportation) until they return home.
Participants at the Games are one of many outstanding athletes, head coaches, assistant coaches, adult supervisors, and officials who will be involved in competition. It is important that each participant show Games volunteers and all other Games participants the same respect and treatment that they’d want done to them. Participants are representatives of their sport; what they do can impact their sport’s inclusion in future BC Games.
Any behaviour contrary to the BC Games Culture of the Games, or any violation or transgression of the BC Games Code of Conduct, rules, or polices by any participant in any sport will result in appropriate disciplinary action, which may include expulsion from the Games.*
Any damages to a BC Games venue or infrastructure due to the actions of a participant(s) will result in disciplinary action and/or financial restitution by the participant(s) involved and/or their Provincial Sport Organization.
During the Games or during travel to/from the Games, any athlete, head coach, assistant coach, adult supervisor or official found to be under the influence of, or in possession of, drugs or alcohol, will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.
Should any participant choose not to follow these rules, regulations, and policies, their actions may be reviewed and they may be disciplined under the BC Games Society Discipline Process, which includes participating in the process and may include being interviewed, as outlined.
*Participants expelled from the Games must make their own way home from the Games, at their own expense.
Zero Tolerance
The BC Games Society has a no-tolerance policy regarding bullying and other forms of maltreatment, and transgressions of the BC Games Society Code of Conduct, rules, regulations, and policies.
Any violations will be subject to disciplinary action.
All Games participants are bound by the BC Games Society Discipline Process, which includes participation in the process and may include being interviews, as outlined.
BC Games Culture of the Games
The Culture of the Games outlines and describes the expectations of those associated with the Games. This includes policies, code of conduct, and information that helps individuals know what is expected of them. It encompasses all safety and safe sport aspects of the Games and strives to inspire everyone to consider the roles they play in shaping the Games experience for everyone.
Click here for more information about the Culture of the Games.
- Has the right to participate in an environment that is supportive, positive, respectful, accessible, and that contributes to exceptional experiences.
- Has the responsibility to contribute in a positive way to the experiences of everyone involved in the Games.
Prior to attending the Games, participants are required to complete a Culture of the Games module. The online module will take approximately 20 minutes to complete and will cover the key principles of the Culture of the Games and the BC Games Code of Conduct. Participants will take the module through the BC GAMES PARTICIPANT WEBSITE (information about accessing the site will be mailed to participants about 3 weeks prior to the Games).
Everyone has a Role to Play!
Every Games participant is one of many outstanding athletes, coaches, and officials who will be involved in competition at the Games. Many volunteers have worked for many months to prepare for the Games. Spectators are excited to see you compete at your best.
It is important that all Games participants, volunteers, and spectators are shown the same respect you would want in return.
Everyone plays a role in making the Games an exceptional experience!
Check your own actions and words
Speak up for yourself and others
If you see something tell someone
The BC Games are a great sport opportunity. We want them to be a positive experience for everyone.
If you witness or experience a situation where you feel unsafe, report it. Get more details here.
Keeping the Games Healthy
As the Games bring together people from every region of the province, participants should keep in mind that they are travelling, competing, eating, staying in accommodation, and attending events with 1000's of other individuals. If you are not feeling well, let your coach or a Games medical volunteer know right away. You are encouraged to have a mask with you in case you become ill and also if you choose to wear one (the Games are a mask-friendly environment). Refer to Staying Healthy at the Games for more information.
Check the List
After you are notified of your registration for the Games, there are some things you need to do BEFORE you attend the Games.
Check out the Games Checklist. Be sure to complete processes by the deadlines!
Your Badge is Your Ticket
All participants will be accredited upon arrival at the Games and will receive their Games accreditation badge.
Be sure to wear your badge at all times.
The Games accreditation badge access to accommodation sites, transportation, meals, and special events.
Before curfew each night participants staying in Games accommodation must have their badge scanned.
Keep Things Moving
Curfew in Games accommodation is 11:00 pm for all participants, including adults. No one is allowed to leave Games accommodation after curfew and anyone who misses curfew will be subject to disciplinary action, which could include expulsion from the Games - refer to the BC Games Society Discipline Process.
Moving thousands of Games participants from their accommodation sites, to meals, to their sport venues, and special events is a massive undertaking. Do your part to keep things moving and on time - be ready for your bus as outlined in your Bus & Meal Schedule.
We're Cigarette Free
Cigarettes or e-Cigarettes are not permitted in Games accommodation, on Games transportation, or at any Games venue (including competition venues (indoor and outdoor venues), the food venue, and all other Games events/venues). Use of such products is also not permitted at the entry to any Games venue.
Be Responsible
Anyone who damages Games venues will be held responsible. This may include payment of associated costs and/or disciplinary action. Please be sure to leave your Games venue and accommodation tidy and in good repair.
The BC Games Society and the Host Society are not responsible for lost or stolen articles. We recommend you leave your valuables at home and utilize the secure storage areas at sport venues or accommodation sites for sport equipment.
Roles of Coaches and Supervisors
Head coaches, assistant coaches, and adult supervisors are expected to travel on Games transportation with their athletes, must stay in Games accommodation with their team, and are expected to supervise their team throughout the Games. Head coaches, assistant coaches and adult supervisors are responsible for the actions of their athletes.
In addition to helping lead and guide their athletes to perform at their best at the Games, coaches are responsible for supervising them and ensuring their safety and well-being throughout their Games experience.
- Travelling on Games transportation to the Games with their athletes (if travelling on Games transportation)
- Staying in Games accommodation with the team
- Supervising their athletes throughout the Games
All coaches and adult supervisors are responsible for the actions of their athletes. To that end, all BC Games coaches are expected to uphold and support and abide by the BC Games Culture of the Games and Code of and BC Games General Rules, sport-specific rules outlined in the Technical Packages, the Code of Conduct, and the policies, rules, and code of conduct established for their sport.
BC Games Coaches
Head Coaches are the leaders of the zone team (or sport team for sports for athletes with a disability). They train and support their athletes in preparation for the competition at the BC Games. They are accountable to their respective Provincial Sport Organization. Head Coaches work with their Zone Representative and/or PSO to ensure all registration, travel details, etc. are completed and received for each athlete. They are a zone team’s main contact for the BC Games Society, once registration is complete and in particular at the Games. Unless otherwise specified in the technical package, all Head Coaches must be NCCP Competition Introduction certified (or the equivalent) prior to participating in the Games.
Assistant Coaches support to their team’s Head Coach in training and Games preparations and support to their team’s athletes in preparation for the competition at the Games. They are also responsible for the supervision of their team's athletes. Unless otherwise specified in the technical package, all Head Coaches must be NCCP Competition Introduction trained (or the equivalent) prior to participating in the Games.
Each sport may have added expectations/responsibilities of their Coaches.
Eligibility information for head coaches, assistant coaches, adult supervisors can be found here.