Qualifying for the Games
Below are answers to some frequently asked questions about qualifying for the BC Games.  Also use the links to the right for additional information.

What sports are in the Games? See the respective sport pages for the list of sports included in the next BC Summer Games and BC Winter Games.  Note that sports change from Games to Games as sport much meet the Core Sport criteria to be included in each Games.
Why should I try to qualify for the BC Games? The Games are generally a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.  Multi-sport Games are different from a single-sport competition.  They have additional distractions that a single-sport event do not.  They help participants prepare for higher level multi-sport Games.  Here's what some past participants have said about their BC Games experience: "
How do I qualify? Qualification for the Games various from sport-to-sport.  Review the Technical Package for the respective sport (BC Winter Games; BC Summer Games) for specific information.  Also review BC Games General Rules for additional eligibility information (BC Summer Games; BC Winter Games).
When will qualification events be held? Generally qualification events for the Games are held beginning 6 months prior to the Games up to about 5 or 6 weeks prior to the Games and vary from sport-to-sport. Qualifications for the Games are coordinated by the Provincial Sport Organization and managed by the organization or the Zone Representatives - refer to the technical package for the respective sport (BC Winter Games; BC Summer Games) for contact information.
What zone am I in? The province is divided into eight geographical zones. Refer to zone information to determine your zone. Each sport is allocated athlete spots in each zone. Review the Technical Package for the respective sport (BC Winter Games; BC Summer Games) to review the number of spot allocated to each zone.
Can I compete for different zone from the one I live in? BC Games rules require athletes to compete for the zone where they make their permanent residence. Refer to BC Games General Rules for details (BC Summer Games; BC Winter Games).
How old do I have to be? In general the minimum age of athletes competing at the Games is 13 but the age eligibility varies from sport to sport.  In general coaches are expected to be 19 or older in order to act in a supervisory capacity with their athletes.  Review the technical package for the respective sport (BC Winter Games; BC Summer Games) for specific information.
How do I register? Registration for the Games is done through Zone Representatives for each sport or through the sport's respective Provincial Sport Organization.  Refer to the Technical Package for the respective sport (BC Winter Games; BC Summer Games) for contact information and contact the Provincial Advisor for your sport and/or your Zone Representative.
How much does it cost? The registration fee is $175 per athlete.  Some sports charge an additional fee over and above this to cover qualification events, uniforms, and/or training.  Ask your coach for details or contact your Provincial Advisor or Provincial Sport Organization - contact information is available on the Technical Package for each sport (BC Winter Games; BC Summer Games).


BC Games Society - 200 - 990 Fort Street, Victoria, BC V8V 3K2