Each accredited Provincial and Disability Sport Organization (PSO and DSO) has the opportunity to demonstrate how the BC Games fit into their sport development plans and how they use the Games as an integral part of their athlete, coach, and officials’ development models. Sports are granted inclusion into one Games and are evaluated against the Core Sport policy after the Games to determine their inclusion in the next Games.
Key principles for inclusion in the Games include province-wide participation, gender equity among participants, competitive opportunities for athletes with a disability where the same level of opportunity for the same caliber of athletes is not available in other Games in BC, and are generally a one-time opportunity for all participants (a possible two-time experience for athletes with a disability).
The following principles guide the decision on inclusion of sports in the Games:
- Sports included in the BC Winter or BC Summer Games are evaluated after every Games prior to their status for the next BC Games being determined.
- All sports are compared to other sports included in the Games, as well as to new sports applying for inclusion.
- The number of sports and the number of athletes allocated to each sport in the BC Winter and BC Summer Games are subject to the discretion of the BC Games Society.
- Sports that best meet the criteria for Core Sport status will be given preference for inclusion in the BC Winter or BC Summer Games.
The 2024 BC Winter and BC Summer Games adhere to the 2024 Core Sport Policy.
2026 Application Process
The application process for the 2026 Games was released on November 1, 2023. The documents below are related to the application process for the 2026 Games, which closes on February 19, 2024.
Questions about the Core Sport application process can be directed to coresport@archive2.bcgames.org.